Help with drafting a will and appointing an executor

Our firm offers a specific service for inheritances. Not only do we provide advice on the drafting of a will, but we can also officially take on the role of executor of the will, thus taking care of the execution of the testator's last will and testament.

This service is particularly useful in the case of persons without children or a partner, or if the heirs are expected to have difficulty in managing or dividing the estate

The following is a description of a mandate that our firm has received and successfully completed.


An elderly woman, childless and for many years the widow of her beloved husband, approached us. She expressed to us her deep desire that, following her death, her possessions should be allocated to the charities she wished to indicate. We advised her on the drafting of a holographic will (i.e. a will drawn up, dated and signed by the testator himself), which she then left in our office for safekeeping. In the will, she entrusted us with the task of executing her will, so that she would not have to worry about whether her last wishes regarding the destination of her property, which consisted mainly of a house, a large securities deposit and two bank accounts, would be fully respected after her death.

A few years later, she passed away. We thus opened her succession, dealing with her tax declaration and the liquidation of her estate according to her wishes. Thus, with regard to the house, our firm had an appraisal carried out for its valuation and appointed a real estate agency to sell it. The property was then sold following the acceptance of a very good purchase offer that the appointed agency had managed to obtain. We also sold the shares and bonds at a favourable market price.

All the proceeds - together with the balance of the two above-mentioned current accounts - were then transferred to a bank account dedicated to the estate and divided up among the entities indicated in the deceased's will. Our professional fees were charged to the estate, as requested by the Lady. In this way, our firm was able to ensure the full realisation of her testamentary wishes, with full transparency and satisfaction of all parties.